Sunday, November 13, 2011

12 days of Christmas

Finding Joy in Service!

Here's the pdf for those of you who want to do something sweet for a neighbor, friend or family member. These ideas/cards came from prepared not scared.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Getting ready!

I can't believe there's only 3 more weeks! I spent 4 hours at school today, and that was just making copies! My room is not even started. I always tell myself, I sure do have an expensive hobby:) Here's a little blank survival kit just incase you want something cute for back to school. I use one with camping clipart, to go with my theme.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daily 5 Word Work:Vocabulary

These vocab walls are going to save me this year! If you work for Davis School Dist. go to DESK Resources to find these. I just made a poster to go with each unit. Now all I have to do is make copies of the dictionary page in a book and voila! My students will be learning about math words independently. If you're interested in finding out more about these, let me know.

Daily 5 Math

I started doing this and have loved what it's done to my classroom. My students who normally were quite talkative were able to play games quietly! I've been working on making all the elements so during the year it is easier to manage, but here are some photos and ideas to get started. I taught a class on this for the district. Here are the words/titles/check off sheet in black & white. Here's in color. This is the link for the stamina chart. I started the kids working for 3 min. Each time we played games we worked on being on task, playing quietly, staying where we were supposed to be, etc. for a little longer each time. My kiddos were excited to see their progress on this chart. They encouraged each other and reminded kids to use whisper voices. See the ideas link for an I chart on what student behavior looks like/sounds like.

Daily 5 Math: Fact Triangles

Which (witch) do you like better? I can't decide. Do you like the magic girl or the magic halloween theme. You can find more on my tpt page. Let me know what you think. I use these fact triangles for Daily 5. Kids punch a hole through the middle and keep them on a metal ring on their chairs. Any other ideas for how to keep these organized? I've also thought of just keeping them in baggies in their Daily 5 boxes, but the kids seemed to like having the rings at their desk so they could pull them out whenever they had a minute.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Place Value Review:Hullabaloo at the Zoo

This packet is filled with games and journal pages. These can both be used for daily 5 math.
This last year I had a games corner where kids could play whenever they got finished early. I had all the games accessible to students and I think it was a little overwhelming, so I'm working on making it more "kid-friendly". My goal for next year is to have 3 games for each week and then just rotate them. Each week I'll just have to add a new game, and take out an old one. This way they'll have three weeks to play (work) with each game.

Fun Book for Skip Counting

Super Kids Camp

A fun way to start the year for back to school is a camping theme. Included is a fun skip- counting book. Before I make this, we read the story Counting Crocodiles.

I'm now on TPT!!!

With special thanks to Lory Evans, I am now able to make this blog! (Thanks girl!) I am so excited to join the blogging world! I'm hoping to be able to make new friends and share ideas. Here's one of my first things I've made for tpt. Magic Triangles10's This idea came from Lory Evans number bonds.
Here's a cute game from Lory Evans

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Simple Machines are so much fun!

We are learning all about simple machines. Check back soon for photos.